You are Beloved

Whenever we see adorable animals, our hearts melt and all the fretful things disappear. Adorable things are more healing a drooping heart than balm or honey. “You Are Beloved” does magic on these cut animals and transforms them into adorable gadgets, always accompanying you around. Hoping to spread love through cute things and make everyone feel beloved.

人們看到可愛的小動物, 總會有種心被溶化的感覺, 頓時煩惱消失, 一股暖流從心底升起, 散佈全身。這時, 除了聽到「好可愛」這些對動物的讚美外, 我們也會聽到「好療癒」或是「我被治癒了」的話題。可是, 我們並非隨時隨地都能近距離接觸可愛的小動物, 而人們在勞碌焦慮的生活中, 又迫切需要放鬆的時刻。就讓這些小動物的化身隨時伴著大家, 作喘息的小幫手。