

Inspired by the little things in life, Hong Kong-based illustrator and designer Missquai often portrays the local community in a lively manner. Graduated from School of Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and School of Visual Arts in Hong Kong Baptist University, Missquai was named as a Hong Kong Young Design Talent and had spent time in Denmark and the Netherlands. Missquai believes art and design can bring a better world ever more and hopes to share joy and happiness by illustrations and designs that illuminate people’ lives. This is a series of love letters to Hong Kong and a gift to my 20-year-old cat. Hong Kong is where I live and grow up. Through illustrations, I can travel around Hong Kong with my cat and record the precious and beautiful scenery of this city.

受生活上的小細節啟發,本地插畫師和設計師Missquai喜歡以生動有趣的畫風刻畫出社區的生活故事。畢業於香港理工大學設計系及香港浸會大學視覺藝術系,Missquai獲選為香港青年設計才俊,曾在丹麥和荷蘭工作。Missquai希望透過設計和插畫,以充滿生命力的作品為大家帶來歡樂,確信 設計能令世界變得更美好。這是一系列給香港的情書,亦是送給我的20歲愛貓的禮物。香港是我生活和成長的地方,透過插畫可以跟我的貓貓一同遊歴香港,記錄這個城市珍貴又美麗的風景。